Our commitment to sustainable mobility

Our sustainable development approach applied to mobility aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect natural resources and develop new environmentally friendly mobility behaviors.


On the road to a new era

Stellantis was born at a time when the world expects companies, including automobile manufacturers, to be able to demonstrate their capacity for innovation through sustainable products and services.

Indeed, only innovation and collaboration can make it possible to find effective solutions to combat global warming. Stellantis understands this expectation and has already announced, in its Dare Forward strategic plan, its commitment to reaching net zero in terms of carbon emissions by 2038, “from well to wheel” and throughout of the supply chain, becoming the sector champion in terms of limiting climate change. We have set ourselves the objective of reducing by half, already by 2030, the level of our 2021 carbon emissions.

The climate crisis requires collective action and innovative approaches. As a Tech Mobility Company, Stellantis is ready to play a leading role in addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time.


Sustainable direction from the design stage
To respond to the ecological challenge, we are committed to limiting our environmental impact throughout our production process. At DS Automobiles, we favor the use of recycled products when conditions permit. Our specialist recycling team does everything possible to guarantee maximum quality of materials as well as thermal and mechanical longevity for optimal performance.
Responsibility built into the product
Development & Design
  • Life Cycle Assessments
  • Selection of eco-friendly materials
  • use of recycled materials
  • Waste management and disposal in concession
  • Spare parts
  • Vehicle Recovery
  • Decontamination and pre-treatment
  • European ELV Directive



Since its creation, DS Automobiles has used recycled materials and has continuously increased its use.
Consumption in use
Measure the average consumption of your vehicle.